A document loader specifically designed for loading documents from the College Confidential website. It extends the CheerioWebBaseLoader.


const loader = new CollegeConfidentialLoader("https:exampleurl.com");
const docs = await loader.load();
console.log({ docs });




caller: AsyncCaller
timeout: number
webPath: string
selector?: SelectorType
textDecoder?: TextDecoder


  • Overrides the base load() method to extract the text content from the loaded document using a specific selector for the College Confidential website. It creates a Document instance with the extracted text and metadata, and returns an array containing the Document instance.

    Returns Promise<Document<Record<string, any>>[]>

    An array containing a Document instance with the extracted text and metadata from the loaded College Confidential web document.

  • A static method that dynamically imports the Cheerio library and returns the load function. If the import fails, it throws an error.

    Returns Promise<{
        load: ((content, options?, isDocument?) => CheerioAPI);

    A Promise that resolves to an object containing the load function from the Cheerio library.

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